Thursday, September 10, 2015


You know when you have one of those days that is just perfection in every sense of the word?  Yep, that was our Saturday!

The hubs and I arranged to have a babysitter all day, and we went golfing with our friends!  It was so much fun to get out and swing my clubs again.  It's been about a year since I have been able to play, so to say I was rusty is an understatement.   There were some not-so-good moments during the first few holes of golf, but we moved on, and had a lovely day.  It was the first day in a long time that it didn't rain!  Gosh, I feel like we've been stuck under a black rain cloud for the past 3 weeks this summer!  So although it wasn't raining, it WAS supper soggy and wet out on the course.  But that didn't matter to me!  No sir-ee!  We were happy to be outdoors, feeling the sun beat down on us, and smelling the fresh air.  I wasn't worried about the boys behaving for the babysitter...I knew Liam would have her cracking up and would be teaching her "all-things-firefighter", and I knew Georgie-boy would be happy nonetheless (he's the happiest baby I 'ever did see).  After we golfed a good 18 holes (not keeping score of course), we sat down and had appetizers and drinks at Drake's (a restaurant around the corner).  We sat at a table that was indoor/outdoor and again, felt the warmness of the day with a slight breeze.  Stuffed from some good fried appetizers and loosened up after a few adult drinks, we headed home.

Winston went to the store to pick up a few things for dinner, and I took a little cat nap on the couch with George.  It felt so good to close those eyes!  Winston did the same thing when he returned home from the store.  We felt so pathetic!

Fresh from our naps, and anxious to enjoy the beautiful weather, we stepped out onto the back patio and started up the grill.  We had a yummy, easy dinner grilled up to perfection on the charcoal grill.  Everything just comes off that grill tingling with flavor from the charcoal and wood chips burning below.

We were so happy to enjoy the day with our friends, and so happy to return to our smiling, happy boys.  I secretly committed to doing those kinds of days more often.  It is such a blessing to have friends so close, and babysitters on standby.  I love that I have a hobby with my husband that we both enjoy, and that we can play TOGETHER.  When the boys are older, I can't wait to bring them along and teach them the sport.  I'm having a *pinch me* moment thinking about the glorious day it ended up being.

Keep in the sunlight!


Surprise Dinner Party!

In our household, a weekly meal plan is A MUST!  We cannot survive without it.  We've tried.  And failed.  It's not good.  We.must.have.a.meal.plan.  It is the epicenter of our life.  Every day and night, we know what we are going to be eating, and it puts everyone at peace.  Who knew that NOT having a meal plan could take down our routine?

So I took a break from the weekly meal plan because, well, I've been busy!  My husband works every weekend, and I'm off every weekend.  So me and the boys are on our own.  Well, trying to menu plan and create grocery lists are difficult when you have a busy 4 year old and a 5 month old baby that wants to be held 24/7 (not that anything is wrong with that!).  So I decided to get BACK on the bandwagon and make our lives run a little smoother by having our weekly meal plan back in place.  We were excited about one meal in particular...our home made Philly Cheese Steaks!  I tried them once, and now they are a staple!  So one day I was driving to work and chatting with my Mom, and she mentioned that she was coming into town that evening.  As we discussed dinner plans, I mentioned that we were excited about our Philly Cheese Steaks that was on the dinner plan for that evening.  Since I was so excited about it, she invited herself to come for dinner!  The more the merrier!  I was so excited about our impromptu dinner!  Of course we had plenty!  So now dinner was going to be for me, my husband, my sister, Mom, and two 4 year olds.  We got this!  Well, closer to the end of the day, I get a text from my Mom that now my Dad is coming for dinner!  How fun!  Impromptu dinner party!

Immediately, I start thinking about the cleanliness of my house, and what state of destruction it was in (considering the aforementioned 4 year old and 5 month old).  Luckily, my husband was around and could help me go through it like a tornado and pick everything up.  (Not sure why I spent time doing that, since the boys got everything out after dinner)  I left work a few minutes early, ran home, and immediately started blitzing the chores.  My husband took the upstairs, I took the downstairs.  He tackled the vacuuming, and I tackled the few toys left around the house.  All was done in 30 minutes.

Before we knew it, people started filing into the house.  First my Dad, then my Mom and sister, and then my kiddos.  The house was electric with laughter and talking.  I was prepping dinner...our fabulous Philly Cheese Steaks, sweet potato fries baked in the oven, a quick salad, and cheese quesadillas for the young boys...and everyone else kept the kids entertained.  When the food was ready, we all went outside and ate on the back deck.  Everyone dove into their sandwich and sides, and we were enjoying the beautiful weather while music played softly in the background.  It was so perfect!  The adults sat and chatted around the citronella candle, and the 4 year olds ran circles around the table.  Yes, they were literally running in circles around our table.  What was going to be a run-of-the-mill Monday night, ended up being an impromptu dinner party with 1/2 my family!  How fabulous is that?  My smile was extra big that night when I fell asleep.  Gosh, I sure do love this life with these fabulous people that I get to share it with.

Thanks for sharing my memory with me!

Monday, June 29, 2015

William turns the big 6-0!

On Sunday, June 28th, Winston, the boys, and I, headed down to Georgetown, KY to spend the day with my father-in-law, William.  He loves his family more than anything, and we were so excited to spend the day celebrating him.

I felt like we took half the house...2 kids, diaper bag, snack bag, breastpump bag, my purse, Liam's toy bag, my side dish....and gifts.  Whew!  It felt like a lot more...

We didn't head down until the afternoon, so I was able to get some chores done around the house (made breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, did a few loads of laundry, etc) and as I was happy to be accomplishing a few of these tasks.  Well, I NEVER do this, but I decided to take the laundry basket upstairs and fold the laundry on my bed.  Not sure why I took the basket upstairs to fold (typically I fold it on the couch or living room floor), but perhaps it was because it was all clothing, and I knew it would have to go upstairs regardless?  Dunno.  But it was a DARN good thing I did that.  I plopped down the laundry basket on the bed and started foldin' away.  Winston looked at me and said, "You know we need to leave in 15 minutes",  Ok.  I was nothing short of a disaster.

I had not showered in 2 days, had a wide-band leopard-print headband on, my hair pulled back in a ponytail, no makeup on, and was still in my pajamas.  And he tells me that we need to leave in 15 minutes?!  I had to take a shower!  Do my hair!  Put on makeup!  Accessorize!  Load the car!  Prep my breast pump bag!  Give George a bath!  Dress the kids in their most adorable outfits! 


15 minutes?!?!?!

So I did what any crazy woman would do…ran to the shower, threw off my clothes, started shouting out directions to my husband, and thinking about how I’m going to be out, showered, dressed, and loaded in the car in 15 minutes.

I decided to focus on getting my hair dried and straightened.  The makeup could be applied while driving in the passenger seat.  So, “pack makeup”.  Check!  I decided on throwing on a dress that required little maintenance, was clean, ironed, and seasonably appropriate.  So, “long strapless maxi dress”.  Check!  I needed jewelry and accessories, so, “throw in bracelets and watch into purse”.  Check!

As I’m doing all of this and multitasking like a manic Mommy, I start cracking up at how this kind of stuff happens.  I feel like I was having déjà vu.  I start thinking about how I’m always the “prepper” and “packer”.  My husband is the “child-gatherer” and “loader”.  Those are our roles.  That is how we do.  This is how we get places.  It is nothing short of a miracle to have us loaded up and pulling out of the driveway.  We feel like we are rock stars if we are only 3 minutes behind.  Aye!

Winston does his job well.  Kids are dressed in their most adorable outfits ever, everything is loaded in the car, and now we are ready to go.  Once loaded in there, we turn on our music, and enjoy the ride.  Liam gives us a play-by-play of what he sees outside his car window, then passes out.  (Liam could never fight the relaxing lull of the car)  George enjoyed a bottle (that I straddled the seat to administer) and then he too, passes out.   Winston is drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, and I’m putting on my makeup in the visor mirror and pumping at the same time.  Yes, a sight for sore eyes.  (Don’t worry, I wear a stylish blue and brown polka dot cover up while I pump in public)  

It was a lovely day, the sun was shining, the driving was easy, and the company was pleasant.

We arrive at the in-laws house, and my Mother-in-law runs out to greet us.  She was ready to get her hands on Liam and George.  We unload everything, and are ready to relax.  We enjoyed snacks & munchies, visited with each other, and cooed at baby George.  George was lovin' the attention, and Liam was busy playing with toys.  Liam brought all of his firefighter gear, and put all of it on.  (His firefighter gear consists of snow bibs, outdoor jacket, boots, hat, aspirator mask, and air tank.)  Although we tried to discourage “his gear” there is no way he was NOT going to wear it.  Liam loves to be in full firefighter gear, whether it’s hot or cold outside.  Even in the hot summer heat, he wears it.  He gets red-faced, sweaty, and over-heated, but he manages to push through it.  Just like firefighters.

Before we knew it, we were all outside enjoying the day.  Forrest (Winston’s brother) and I played a little corn hole game while Liam ran under the bean bags that were flying above his head (it was his choice to run under them, not ours), and we were laughing at how bad we were.  A little while later, Liam decided he wanted to play with his new soccer ball that Winston bought him the day prior.  Of COURSE we HAD to bring the *new* toy to Nana’s house.  So Liam and “Kiki” (otherwise known as my sister-in-law Karaline) start kicking the soccer ball back and forth in the back yard.  I was out there with them, just standing directly in the sun to feel the warmth on my skin (keeping in the sunlight, right?).  Well, Liam kicked the ball a little too hard in the wrong direction.  We all stood with mouths open and watched the ball go OVER the retaining wall, and then OVER the cliff in their back yard.  Now, I thought the ball was a GONE-r.  But apparently, there is a walking trail that runs behind their yard that the ball COULD have landed on.  When we saw the ball bounce over the cliff, Liam immediately burst into tears, and was inconsolable that his new soccer ball was gone.  Luckily for us, Nana came to the rescue and insisted we check the path below.  So off we set…Kiki, Nana, Liam, and me.  We found the ball, and all was well in the world again.

We finished the day with eating strawberry cake, vanilla ice cream, a cup of coffee, and more visiting.  We hit the road to go back home, a little fuller than we arrived, and with more stuff than we came with.  My mother-in-law sent us home with leftovers, and I’m not going to complain!  On the way home, we didn't turn the music on.  We let the boys fall asleep with the gentle lull of the car, and Winston and I chatted.  We had our chance to have un-interrupted grown-up conversation for an hour.  It.was.perfect.  Those are my favorite conversations.

The sun was still shining, and the company was still great J

Here we go...AGAIN!

I'm BACK!  I CANNOT believe I have been absent for so long, but I am FINALLY back to putting memories "on paper" so I can go back and recall the hysterical moments in life.  Historical?  Hysterical?  Yep, both apply!

So, let's get caught up here:  Since my last post, my hunky hubby and I purchased our first house together across town.  

We have been so in love with the house, it must be the reason I forgot to get on here...right?  Tee hee :)  In all seriousness, the house was all-consuming there for a while.  We not only moved ourselves, but had to do all kinds of fun stuff once we were actually IN there.  We've been re-decorating (thank you Pinterest), did some DIY projects (thank you again, Pinterest), and furniture shopping.  We are now at a place that I am happy with :)  ...Except we still need a new dining room table that matches our new decor.  And some wall art.  And some photos around the house.  And our bedroom painted again.  And curtains in our bedroom.  And... Ah, well, you get the point.  You're never TRULY done, right?  

Liam is now 4.  4!  Crazy, I know.  He's so happy being 4 too.  He lets everyone know his age, and shows how-many-fingers-on-his-hand-old-he-is with pride.  Liam is now a big brother too!  Yep, along the way here, we decided that we needed to fill up that new big house with another kiddo, so that's what we did!  Now we have a new little guy, George.  Swoon :)  

 Little George is 3 months old, and is so sweet and adorable.  I know that's what everyone says about their kids, right?  But it's true!  He has been such a blessing to us, and we are so happy to have him in our lives.  I was so nervous about transition from one kid to two, but he's really made it easy on us.  It helps that Liam LOVES being a big brother and LOVES his brother George.  It's like he's been waiting his whole life to be a brother.  He has so much pride.  I mean, look at this face!

True pride.  Nothing but love. And it just brings tears to my eyes to see him love his brother so easily.  The other great thing here, is that Liam is so gentle and sweet to George.  He's a big helper to us (of course), and he just takes it all in stride.  I had heard horror stories of kids acting out or having jealousy issues when baby #2 came along, but not this kid!  Nope!  He was like "my time has come" and "I need to rise to the occasion!"  It cracks me up and tickles my heart all at the same time. :)

My hunky hubby is still as hunky as ever.  We are such a team...such great partners in our little homestead.  We balance each other out, and work so cohesively.  We've really enjoyed and relished the baby moments with sweet little George, and love the whole baby stage.  He still treats me like a princess, and I love it.  We still flirt like little high school love birds, enjoy our quiet conversations, and of course, tickle fights. 

I'll keep this post short-and-sweet.  I am back to work, working 8-5pm, Monday - Friday.  I love being back, and am working on getting back into the groove of things.  I'm also working on keeping my sanity and losing the baby weight.  Enjoying the chaos, and relaxing in the calm.  Gosh darn, I just love this life :)  I love, love, love all of my boys.  They make my  heart sing.  


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Should I or shouldn't I?

I cannot stop thinking about starting a side business of selling "Scentsy" products to friends, neighbors, and family.  I love the product so much, and think that many would be interested in learning more about it.  For the past 6 months, all I can think about is this new adventure!

Of course, I am not looking to working 7 days a week, as I already have a full-time job outside the home.  But I am interested in learning about this amazing company and earning a few extra dollars to help our savings account and purchase a home for our family.  After much discussion and contemplation, I finally took the first step and reached out to a consultant to learn more! 

I couldn't have been more happy with the conversation we had as we talked about all of the products and perks that come with this new role.  The consultant I reached out to has only been selling "Scentsy" for the past 6 months, and I think she is excited too!  We exchanged several emails before we chatted on the phone.  Our phone conversation lasted almost 2 hours!  I found myself actually closing my eyes, as it was very late in the evening!  Now I am left here thinking..."Could she tell that I was kind of falling asleep on her?!?!"  I sure hope NOT!

The more I talk about it to family and friends, they are so anxious for me to get started so that I can go ahead and start selling them product!  They keep asking me when I will start!  They want Christmas gifts! 

So... I think I shall start this next week!  I am going to take the plunge, listen to my gut, and dive right in!  I want to get started before the holidays so that I can fulfill any last-minute Christmas gift ideas, and finish up those shopping lists! 

More to come in the following weeks!  I am going to bed so excited!!!!  My inner voice is speaking up, and I am listening!  Wish me luck in this new endeavor!!!!!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Back into the Blog World!

I cannot believe how much time has passed since I was able to get on and write out my thoughts.  I have let life live on around me, and regret not spending more time writing my experiences through this amazing life I live.  My baby boy Liam is now 19 months old.  The last blog I wrote was about my return to work and leaving him throughout the day.  I cannot believe how much as gone on since that time.  So where should I start...

Well as aforementioned, Liam is a running, hustling, dancing, singing, laughing joy of a boy who makes everyone smile.  He loves to be the center of attention and loves watching people take in his every move.  We laugh because this exactly like my personality.  He loves to sprint around the apartment and runs from room to room laughing the whole while.  He has these chubby cheeks and amazing dimples that everyone notices and comments on.  He had dimples from day one, and they have only become deeper and sweeter over the months.  Liam knows a bounty of words, and tries to say them all within the day's time.  He wakes up in the morning and starts the day with at least half his vocabulary, and also is sure to add in a few musical notes as well.  It is not uncommon to hear him sing "La la la la" or "E-I-E-I-O" every morning.  His cuteness melts my heart, and I am needless to say, one proud Momma! :)

Liam at his Uncle Forrest's wedding in September 2012
As for me and my job, I have changed careers!  I have transitioned from working retail hours in a Target store to working a corporate job in Human Resources with The Kroger Co. in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio.  It is everything that I always wanted...the hours, the workload, and the environment.  The hardest thing was to leave the people at Target, but I have found the most amazing team of folks to work with.  They make my job so much fun to do, and help me enjoy the time away from Liam.  As a corporate Recruiter for Kroger, I enjoy the up-side of Human Resources, which is making people's days by offering them a job and / or promotion.  I couldn't be happier.  This job change has improved my work-life balance, and has allowed me to have my weekends and holidays back again.  I am so excited for the holidays because I will actually be able to enjoy them this year!.  I don't have to work on "Black Friday" and will have Christmas Eve through New Years Eve off.  Who couldn't be happier with that kind of news.  So Excited!!!

My husband Winston is enjoying his job as well, and he also works for Kroger.  Needless to say, we have great conversations at night!  Unfortunately, he works the retail schedule, so we see each other when we can!

I am so excited to report that my little sister and her family have moved into our neighborhood!  After 2 years of getting her to move where we live, she finally has!  Her husband landed a new job that is minutes away from our complex, and they moved for the 3rd time in 2 years.  My little sister has a son that is THREE WEEKS older than Liam, so the "Cousin-Brothers" as we have dubbed them have so much fun together and can truly live and grow up next to each other!  They are a riot together!  When Liam is having a bad day, just having Henry (his cousin) over will make him the happiest boy around!  They just run and laugh and play together in their own little "dance" around the room.  

Liam and Henry playing at The Kroger Co. Family Picnic, July 2012

I am so excited to begin my memory making journals here again soon.  I am absolutely the happiest girl right now, as life is great.  No drama, just lots of giggles and smiles.  I am still madly in love with my husband, smitten over my child, and happy in my work outside the home.  In the next few months, I am happy to prepare for the coming holidays and welcome family to our homes.  It may not always be a happy day, but you can make it great by Keeping in the Sunlight.

Until next time-

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Returning to Work

So the time has come that I must return to work and leave my precious boy for 10+ hours each day.  I can not describe how utterly upset that I am over this.  Seriously, when I was pregnant, I would fret over having to go back to work once the baby was born.  Now, don't get me wrong, I have had the luxury to have an amazing 13 weeks off thus far, and will have a total of 15 weeks when I return.  I am just so sad that I can not be a stay-at-home Mom at this time in my life.  But I know that the time isn't right for me to stay home right now, and hopefully in a few years when we have Baby Wood #2 on the way, I can make that decision at that time.  My husband and I are working furiously right now to get to a spot where we can both afford it and appreciate it. 

Just about 2 weeks ago, my husband and I purchased a vehicle!  We are so happy to finally have found a car to fit our new family! :)  Although it was not new, it is a new car to us and we couldn't be happier!  We purchased a 2002 Toyota 4 Runner that has just enough room for all of Liam's necessities, as well as extra room!  My husband will drive this new SUV, as it drives like a truck and it was his car that we replaced, but also because I still continue to drive a fair distance to work everyday, and it is not logical for me to drive the car at this time.  I would LOVE to have the extra space for Liam's stroller and all that other stuff, but I have to be honest, my Maxima does the job just fine!  :)

As I write this, I am nursing Liam and thinking about how much I am going to miss him tomorrow.  I never realized how much I LOVED to nurse him until I had to solely rely on pumping while at work, and I must say, I miss the bonding of nursing when I can't nurse him!  The bond is so strong, that only other nursing mothers understand.  I hope to continue to breastfeed him for another 3-6 months.  I know that there will be a time that he will transition into solid food and my breast milk will phase itself out, and I think how hard it will be.  It is almost as if he is detaching himself from me step-by-step...first, the umbilical cord was cut to separate him from my belly, then he is being nursed and relies on my breast milk for nourishment, and soon enough, he will no longer need that.  It kills me to think of that.

I have not been on here much lately, due to spending so much time outside recently with the glorious sunshine!  I am addicted to the pool and the sun, and when it's nice outside, you can't keep me indoors!  Luckily, Liam loves to be outside and is always on his best behavior when we are at the pool.  I have a lovely tan going on, so at least there is a reward for my efforts of sunbathing!  Now that I am indoors, I am able to reconnect to my cyber world, all the while nursing my beautiful son!

I still look at him and find it hard to believe that I grew him in my belly.  My husband and I still look at each other and talk about how crazy it is that we created such an adorable human being.  I am so in love.

Now I am off to bed to rest up for my day back to work tomorrow...

Keep in the Sunlight!